Introducing Injury Rehab to our Noosa studio

Streamline your rehab, optimise the way you move, and improve your training outcomes.

Our Injury Rehab appointments are 30 minutes in length and led by an Osteopath. The consultation will take place in our movement studio rather than the treatment room. These sessions are completely individualised and structured based on your needs. Your osteopath may incorporate elements of:

  • Injury rehab protocol

  • Mat work: Pilates and bodyweight exercise

  • Functional movement training

  • Targeted muscle strengthening

  • Joint mobility exercise

Essentially, your unique presentation, goals, and baseline capability will dictate your session. Your osteo will progress you through your program at an appropriate pace to ensure you are consistently challenged, without risking injury.

Who are our Injury Rehab services for?

Our one on one rehab service is suitable for anyone who wants to improve the way they move, optimise injury rehab, maximise training outcomes, or simply exercise under the guidance of a health professional. We recommend that you book a standard osteopathy appointment before your first rehab session for a thorough initial assessment, diagnosis, and hands-on treatment. This will allow you and your osteo to develop clear goals and structure a comprehensive management plan.


These sessions are also perfect for people who find it difficult to complete their prescribed exercise at home, and people who want to take the time to understand the exercise, break down movements, and receive feedback in real time. The best part is, you can tick off your homework without even going home (plus you have a helper the whole time).

Alternatively, if you are smashing your exercises at home or the gym and need progressing or more specific exercises. Come in as needed to progress your exercises and make sure your recovery is heading in the right direction. You will also get sent exercises on an app to take home so you can keep working on them in your own time!


You don’t need to be injured to book these sessions!

PREvention is key! This is why we facilitate 'PREhab'.


Prehab is a proactive approach used to prevent common neuromusculoskeletal issues.

The goal of prehab is to reduce your risk for injury while improving your overall physical health. It is about addressing weaknesses and optimising the way you move so that your body can adapt to the stresses of your activities of daily life, training load, work, sport and hobbies. It can also help to reduce the recurrence of any old nagging pains. 


We want to help you take care of your body NOW to prevent issues down the track and set you up for better health and performance outcomes.

Injury Rehab Session

Book in anytime for a session with one of our Osteopaths. We do recommend an Osteopathy appointment beforehand.

30 mins | $120

*Private Health Rebates available