Headaches: Causes and Treatments

Sick and tired of headaches and migraines impacting your life? Too many of us write off headaches as something unavoidable, dooming ourselves to a lifetime of numbing the pain with medication and trying to carry on with our day. However, experiencing persistent headaches and migraines isn’t something you need to resign yourself to. In fact, there are treatment options readily available that could very well stop the problem once and for all. 

This blog explains when treatment may be necessary for headaches and migraines, and what osteopathy has to offer. For personalised health advice, contact our team at Osteos of Noosa today.


When Does a Headache Require Treatment? 

At some point in our lives, every single one of us is going to experience some headaches. It’s one of the most common illnesses across the country, with countless Australians being affected every day – but that doesn’t mean we should just accept them as a part of life. In fact, continually relying on painkillers to ease a headache can become a way to ignore your body’s signal that something is wrong! Dulling the pain is a short-term solution to what can, at times, be a bigger issue.

So, how do you know when a headache is something more serious? Ultimately, persistence is the telltale sign. If you find yourself routinely dealing with headaches that aren’t a clear result of exhaustion or dehydration, you could be experiencing a chronic problem. Likewise, going through severe migraines on a regular basis is a signal that you could need further treatment. Don’t accept headaches and migraines as a part of your average routine. There could be solutions out there to mitigate the problem.


Headache Types and Common Causes 

So, why are you getting headaches? Well, there are a multitude of common causes that could be at play. Sometimes, there are small factors at play that could be triggering headaches. These include:

  • Poor posture

  • Stress

  • Medications

  • Dietary issues

  • Lack of sleep

  • Dehydration

  • Strong odours

  • Untreated eyesight problems

The most common types of headaches Australians will experience are tension headaches and migraines. Slightly less common varieties include sinus headaches, exertion headaches, and rebound headaches, while the rarest type is a cluster headache. While noticing the minute difference might seem difficult as you experience the pain, talking to a healthcare provider can help you figure out which sort of headache you may be experiencing and why.

Often overlooked, however, are cases where headaches are due to irritation within the body systems. Stiff muscles, poorly functioning joints, and spinal problems can all lead to nerve irritation in the upper neck, frequently resulting in chronic headaches.


Managing Headaches and Migraines

A significant portion of headache management is being keenly aware of the triggering factors at play. Be it diet, stress, or even posture, being aware of these things and taking active steps to limit their impacts can make a world of difference. Visiting a healthcare provider can help you determine the influencing factors in your life, and offer clear advice on how to work on these problems in order to limit headaches.

Why Choose Osteopathy?

If you’re looking for a viable treatment option, seeing an osteo could very well be the solution you’ve been waiting for. What sets osteopathy apart is its holistic approach to healthcare, treating conditions as common as headaches and migraines with a ‘bigger picture’ outlook. An osteopath will seek to determine root causes, examine the broader musculoskeletal structures in your body that could be affected, and offer invaluable lifestyle advice. 

Headaches can be heavily influenced by biomechanical systems and functions throughout the body. By taking a broad approach, an osteo may be able to help limit pain and increase mobility efficiently. Headaches and migraines both acute and chronic could benefit from the gentle and ‘whole-body focussed’ approach of osteopathy.

Visit Osteos of Noosa for Headache Treatment 

Nobody deserves to put up with headaches for their whole life. When treatment is so readily available, there’s no point continuing to use painkillers for momentary relief. No matter the specifics of your headaches or migraines, we want to help. Here at Osteos of Noosa, we have a team of dedicated osteopaths ready to take your call and lend a hand. Book an appointment today, and let’s take those first steps toward sorting out your headaches once and for all!




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